#103: The Podcast Episodes that Made Us Superfans

#103: The Podcast Episodes that Made Us Superfans

19 Jun, 2023

What makes a podcast episode special? The kind that can change the world? In this episode, Ben, Tabitha and Marshall deconstruct some of their favorite podcast episodes, explaining what hooked them and converted them into loyal listeners and fans, while providing an intriguing glimpse into their personal preferences and personalities.

Notable links from this episode:
Ben’s Superfan Episode List:

1. Startup Podcast - Episode 1: How Not to Pitch a Billionaire 

2. Hardcore History - Episode 48: Prophets of Doom

3. Always Sunny Podcast - Episode 14: Rob Almost Fights Some Guy Outside a Hamburger Store

Tabitha’s Superfan Episode List:

1. My Favorite Murder - Episode 6: Stay Sixy

2. Voices for Justice - The Story of Alissa Turney

3. Something was Wrong - There Were No Red Flags

Marshall’s Superfan Episode List:

1. The Rewatchables - Tommy Boy (April 2020)

2. Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard - Episode 5: The Montreal Screwjob

3. SmartLess - Episode 9: Jimmy Kimmel

Late in this episode, the team introduced a brand new weekly award that will be presented on the podcast for things that made us laugh this week. Check out the inaugural winner of the “Creepy Dave” Award right here: https://youtube.com/shorts/KTpr8ioVQr0?feature=share.

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